Hari Kunzru, Transmission (Leela.exe), 2004.
Bruce Sterling, The Hacker Crackdown, 1992.
Steven Levy, Hackers, 1984.
Kevin D. Mitnick, The art of deception, 2002.
FAQ - elementary stuff
Jack Koziol, David Litchfeld, Dave Aitel, Chris Anley, Sinan Eren, Neel Mehta and Riley Hassell, The Shellcoders Handbook, Wiley, 2004. (Detailed information for the hacker. Lots of information on Linux, Windows, Solaris, lots of errors, badly written.)
Jon Erickson, Hacking, No starch press, 2003. (Buffer overflows, port scanning, WEP attacks - well written.)
open source vulnerability data base
Sverre H. Huseby, Innocent Code, Wiley, 2004. (This is about security for web programmers.)